Packing for a trip with your baby can really feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be!
With so much to remember, it can be scary to imagine forgetting the most important things. But remember, your destination is likely to have baby stores and supermarkets where you can quickly purchase any necessities that you’ve left behind.
But we know that, ideally, you want to think ahead about everything you’ll need. After all, nobody wants to spend their relaxing holidays madly dashing to the store!

We’d like to help remove the stress with this handy list of everything you’ll need to bring for your baby when you travel away from home. Why not note down what you think you’ll need from this list and add any personal essentials that your little one can’t go without?!
What to pack in your baby’s carry-on

It’s a good idea to dedicate an entire carry-on, in addition to your regular diaper bag, to your baby essentials. This will make it much easier to find everything you need!
Here is a small, non-exhaustive list of what you will need.
- Around 6 diapers, depending on how long your travel is planned to last.
- Travel-sized diapering lotion and balm
- A few cotton pads or washcloths
- A portable changing pad
- A blanket
- 2 burp cloths
- 2 changes of clothes
- A bag for wet/dirty items
- 2-3 pacifiers if applicable
- A spare top for yourself, just in case!
- An activity to keep your baby busy like a touch and feel book, a rattle, or a new (and interesting!) toy
If you are bottle-feeding your little one, we suggest to take in the carry-on:
- Bottles
- Enough formula for the journey
If you are breastfeeding, we suggest to have with you:
- Breast pads - if using
- A spare nursing bra
- A cover-up for privacy
If your child is 6+ months, don't hesitate either to choose some favorites to keep them busy:
- Teething toys
- Favorite snacks
- Favorite plush or toys
What to pack in your suitcase

What you need to pack in your suitcase will depend on where you’re traveling to and how long you will be staying. This list includes everything you’ll need for your trip with your baby, but feel free to add or remove items depending on your needs and destination!
- Diapers - remember, you can always buy more on arrival!
- Cotton pads or washcloth
- Diapering lotion
- Diapering balm
- Baby soap
- Any lotions that you normally use on your baby’s skin
- A first aid kit - including bandages, baby ibuprofen, any medications your baby needs, nail clippers, and a nail file
- A breast pump and bottles for storage - if you use them at home
- Your regular breastfeeding supplies (bras, pads, cream…) if breastfeeding
- Formula and bottles, if bottle-feeding
- A teething toy and teething gel
- Two outfits for each day of your stay plus 2-3 extra outfits - you can pack less if you know that you’ll be able to wash clothes whilst you’re away
- A travel stroller
- A baby carrier - these are particularly useful for travel!
- A car seat - you can use this on the plane (if your baby has a seat of their own) and in any taxis or public transport that you use
- Your baby’s favorite toys and activities
- White noise machine
- A pack ‘n’ play - great for sleep and play!
If you are going to a sunny destination, your not-to-forget essentials will be:
- 2 sun hats
- Bathing suits and bathing diapers
- Baby-safe sunscreen
If you are going to a cold destination, you will need to pack:
- A warm coat
- One or two wooly hat(s)
- Warm boots
- Gloves
If your little one is eating solid food, you will want to make sure that you pack their favorite flavors and sippy cup! We suggest you pack the following items to make sure you can start your stay with everything you will need:
- Enough food for your stay - though you’ll probably be able to buy baby food from your destination!
- Snacks
- Utensils
- A sippy cup
- A silicone bib
And of course, don't forget our La Petite Creme travel size lotion and balm, that will make your diapering while traveling serene!