Direct access in one click:

Thank you for being a subscriber to our products!
Upon creating your subscription, you should have received a welcome email with a direct link to your subscription.
Make sure the below email address is whitelisted on your email provider to receive notification about your subscriptions:


Access your subscription on our website

Step #1

If you have not done so already, create your account here:

Note: you can access this page by clicking the account icon in the top menu then "CREATE ACCOUNT".  

Step #2

Note: you can access this page by clicking the account icon in the top menu then "LOG IN". 

Step #3

Click the yellow button "MANAGE SUBSCRIPTION": 

Step #4

Use the following screen to modify the various settings of your subscription (edit products, pause, resume, cancel, ...): 

Having troubles? 

Contact us and we will make the necessary changes for you.Â