Whilst everyone is shopping for cute baby outfits to gift the new mom, it’s a great feeling to know that you’ve bought something incredibly useful that she might not have even thought of!
In this post, we’ve created a list of baby essentials that new mums will love and actually use. As adorable as those newborn outfits are, you can bet that the baby will probably only wear them once…
Let’s get shopping!

Best baby essentials to gift a new mom
Here are 10 out-of-the-box baby essentials to gift your expectant or newly mom friend:
Food delivery vouchers
One of the hardest things about being a new mom is finding the energy or the time to meet your own needs. This is why meals are one of the very best things that you can offer new parents.
Whether you buy them a delivery voucher or deliver a homemade, freezable meal to their door, rest assured that food is a gift that will always be appreciated.
Baby sleep bag
Unfortunately sleep bags (aka wearable blankets) are often overlooked in baby registries. They come in all kind of material from very warm for the winter to light and breathable for the summer nights. Some designs are made specifically for newborns and can replace the baby swaddle - which would be a relief to any parent who ever tried to swaddle a newborn before bed.Â

Humidifiers are a great gift that many parents might not have considered adding to their list. These handy machines protect newborns from dry air - something that’s particularly useful in the winter when babies tend to catch colds or in hot climate when babies are in A/C all day.

Footed pajamas (with zippers)
This is the one item that no one ever gift but that Mommy will need the most, so get a set of multiple sizes and you'll score high. Also, snaps are almost impossible to secure in the dark so stick to zippers.
A single product for diaper duty
Imagine all the time Mom would save if she could wipe baby clean and apply diaper ointment at the same time! With La Petite Creme lotion, she will save time, money and the fear of facing a #1 skin condition in babies: diaper rash.Â
Our starter bundles include all the essentials a new mom will need to try our organic diapering lotion and balm. She will be forever grateful to have introduced her to a new diapering routine.Â

A gentle light for night time diaper change
Changing a diaper in the dark, while being still sleepy, is, for any new parent, a real obstacle course. But we don't want either to put the full light on and end up wide awake in the middle of the night! The solution: a dimmable light!
Your newly parents friends will be delighted to have a soft light that will gently guide them through their first night time baby duties without disturbing their circadian cycle.
Bath thermometer
The temperature of a bath, especially for a newborn, needs to be precise, not too warm, not too cold. How to know if your baby's bath water is ready?
A bath thermometer will give any new mom peace of mind and will make sure that baby will feel safe and relaxed while enjoying their daily wash.

Your time
One thing all new parents lack (on top of sleep) is time. If you leave close by and can afford an hour or two, relieve some mental load by picking up groceries, taking out the trash or holding baby while mom is taking a shower.Â
To make things easier, ask multiple choice questions to the new parents that will not require too much thinking efforts from their part: "Do you feel like chicken or fish for dinner?", "Do you prefer that I stop by in the morning or afternoon to wash your laundry? "...