New Year’s Eve is mostly an adult kind of event. Christmas being the kids’ one.
But when you have a newborn or a baby at home who will undoubtedly wake you up in the early hours the next morning, it might be time to rethink the big extravagant party plans.
That doesn’t mean that you must skip all the fun! No way!
So let’s go through a few ideas on how to spend a fun and memorable NYE when you have a baby.

Ask a family member or a trusted friend to watch your baby
Finding a babysitter for NYE is almost impossible and it requires a very special budget.
If you plan to enjoy an adult only party, maybe you can count on a family member or a close friend who wants to spend a quiet evening and would be willing to take care of your little one while you enjoy some well-deserved fun.
Have a parents’ party
Inviting over other parents and their children can be a very fun (and practical!) way to spend NYE.
As the host, you can offer to only take care of the decorations and ask your friends to bring the food and drinks.
It’s a win-win for everyone as you can stay at home with your baby, still enjoy a fun social event, and your parent friends will be happy to have a solution for their NYE as well!

Have a Noon Year’s Eve
Who said that the New Year must be celebrated in the first seconds of the day? Why couldn’t we celebrate New Year’s Eve at noon instead of midnight? Not only does it allow us to still party with friends and a bunch of delicious food, but it also solves the baby-children situation. And when the night comes, baby being in bed, there is still plenty of time to ring the new year with your beloved partner.
Make it simple just for this time
Babies don’t stay babies forever. If you have a newborn or an under 1 year old, it is indeed not so easy to plan a big party for NYE. So, for this year only, make it simple. Have a movie or board game night at home, with simple sandwiches and snacks, order some catering if you still wish to treat yourself, invite just a few friends who also want to make it short. If you have older children, they may even participate. The point, in the end, is to have a good time right?

Our plans as Moms at La Petite Creme
We are both moms of 2 children, and Fanny has a 4-month-old baby! Our plans have been simple since we have had our children. This year, we will spend time with our families who live abroad.
Previous years, we celebrated with friends who also have children and want to keep it simple, we made dance or karaoke parties with our children to include them in the fun, or we went to the fireworks in our neighborhood with the babies sleeping in their stroller!
Our best advice though? Make sure your baby is rash free with La Petite so they sleep through the night and let you enjoy a bit of fun!