If you’re a toddler mom, there’s a good chance you’re on the lookout for signs that your not-so-little one is ready for potty training.
But what are the signs? And when is the best time to start potty training?
Rest assured - we’ve got all of your questions answered in this post!

Is your baby ready for potty training?
The signs that a baby is ready for potty training will differ from child to child. While some children will show you all of the signs all day long, others might only present a couple now and then - helpful, right?! Parenting is always a guessing game…
With that in mind, here are the most obvious signs that your child may well be ready for potty training.
They’re uncomfortable in wet/soiled diapers
A child who is ready for potty training might start to show obvious discomfort at being in a dirty diaper. They might also tell you (with their own words) or point to their diapers when it is soiled. If your toddler is pulling at their diaper or asking to be changed, it might be time to introduce the potty!
They’re aware of the need to pee or poop
Your child becoming aware that they’re going to pee/poop is a good sign that potty training is on the horizon. They might tell you that they’re going to pee or hide somewhere more private to do so.
Their diaper is dry after naps
If your toddler’s diaper tends to be dry after nap time, this is a good sign that they’re becoming more able to control their bladder and that they might be ready to give the potty a try.
They are interested in the toilet
We know - what toddler isn’t interested in the toilet?! After all, we can’t seem to get a moment of peace when we need to use it…
And whilst this is true, a toddler with a real interest in using the toilet might be particularly investigative of what you’re doing. They might even try to copy you!
Their bowel movements become predictable
Predictable bowel movements will make it much easier for you to start transitioning to the potty. After all, you’ll know exactly when they need to give it a try!
They can go up stairs without help
As unrelated as it may sound, a baby who can go up stairs (alternating feet) has control over their sphincter muscles (muscles that control the opening and closing of the bowels and bladder) is physiologically ready to start potty training.

Are you ready for potty training?
When you think that your child (and you) might be ready to start potty training, here are some tips to help you on your way to toilet success:
Teach your baby how to pull their pants down (using the word ‘push’ instead of ‘pull’ can also make it easier for little ones to understand the concept of removing pants!). Mastering this before starting the potty training will make the training easier as there will be less things to learn at once.
Put the potty in an easily accessible place. Have multiple if you have a large house or stairs so the potty is always in close vicinity of your toddler for emergency use. Don't make a big deal out of it and leave it there without much expectations. It will soon become a familiar object for your baby and remove any possible fear.
Take your little one shopping so that they can choose their own potty and cute underwear. Grab a few toys or treats that he likes and that you can use as rewards if needed.
Try to have them sit on the toilet or on the potty while they pee/poop even in their diaper. One important change when going from the diaper to the potty is the position. So getting them used to pee/poop in a sitting position can build muscle memory that will make the transition to the potty easier.
Take note of your child pee/poop pattern. Chances are, they have a pretty regular schedule. Knowing when to expect a #1 or a #2 will allow you to focus your attention around these timeframes.
Save the date! Block 3 to 4 days in your calendar where you know you will be home and have enough time and effort (there might be some floor cleanup involved) to dedicate to the matter.
Talk to your little one about what is going to happen, when, why you are changing their routine and most importantly: what's in it for them. Find the motivation that you think will most resonate with them: more comfort, cute underwear, being able to tag along in the bathroom... and make it a fun event.
Set the expectations: Don't expect to have this done in 3-4 days. Internet tales might make you believe that kids transition from diapers to toilet in a couple of days but it is not the norm. Paris wasn't built in a day and your little one needs to reprogram their brain to a whole new way of doing something for which they didn't even have to think about before. Give them time.
Potty Training Session #1:
Ready for this? Here are a few tips on getting through your first few days:
Warm up the house and leave your child naked from the bottom down.
Encourage them to use the potty every time you use the toilet - make it a family event!
Refer to your notes and offer to use the potty around the time your baby usually pee/poop.
Avoid stress. Make it fun and pressure free for your little one. There will be accidents at first and - while cleaning up is no pleasure - they are part of the process.
Celebrate the wins! At first, it might be baby sitting on the potty, or simply asking to pee/poop. Those are already big steps. Make sure to congratulate your child for every step that gets them closer to the final goal.
Keep diapers on at night until they’ve had success with daytime potty use.
At the end of the 3-4 days you and your little one - together - will have learnt a lot about the journey ahead: is he/she really ready? are you? what is their struggle? what is their attitude toward the process (excited, reluctant, afraid, indifferent)? What are their coping techniques (crying, running, hiding, avoiding, screaming, fighting...)? All this will give you more elements to plan the next potty training session.
Plan the next round: this is not giving up, this is trying by iterations. Celebrate the work done here, keep what is working and table what is not. When the time allows it and you are both ready again, repeat the above steps as many times as necessary to get to a successful transition. Sometimes, letting time before two sessions allow the child to process some of the information. And if you have a strong minded baby, the simple fact of putting the diaper again "for now" might be a trigger for them to want it out for good!
Don’t forget that you can still use La Petite Creme 2-in-1 cleanser lotion together with a cotton pad to clean your little one’s bottom after their potty business and keep it well hydrated and protected!