Diaper rash is an uncomfortable experience for little bottoms and can lead to very unhappy babies - and in turn, very stressed-out parents!
The important thing to remember is that diaper rash is the most common skin condition of infancy. So you can wave goodbye to that mom guilt and, instead, learn about the most common causes of diaper rash so that you’re ready to tackle it head-on at the first appearance.
Determining the cause of the rash is key in prevention. When we prevent diaper rash, we don't have to deal with the upset that comes with it – it's a win win!
1. Wetness
Wetness is your baby's butt's worst enemy. Think about it: a diaper is a closed and warm environment where moisture build-up can quickly turn into a germ paradise (even when the diaper is not soiled). Changing the diaper frequently and as quickly as possible after soiling is of course a basic step to take. Also make sure to pat dry your baby’s skin after you use baby wipes; otherwise the wet residue from your wet wipes might be the very source of the moisture build-up.. and, therefore, the rash.
One easy way to make sure there is no wetness built up in the diaper after cleaning is to use an oil-based cleaning lotion as an alternative to baby wipes. While surprising at first, you will find that cleaning with oil repels the water residue and prevents a build-up of wetness.
2. Irritation
It’s very easy for your baby’s bottom to become irritated due to being in contact with a wet or soiled diaper. Pee and poop are very acidic and can break through babies’ very thin and delicate skin in a matter of minutes. A rule of thumb is to try to change your little one’s diaper every 2-3 hours and as soon as possible after soiling. In reality, it is almost impossible to be right on time with each diaper change, especially at night when you're finally able to get a few hours of much needed sleep
A good way to buy yourself some time (and for new parents, every extra minute is golden) is to create a shield between baby’s skin and the upcoming aggressive pee/poop. Using an oil-based cleanser like La Petite Creme will automatically create that breathable barrier on the skin every time you change a diaper. There's no need to think about using a protective ointment after you clean your baby as the oil residue from the cleansing lotion will act as a protective barrier. This barrier can make a world of a difference to your baby’s comfort and the prevention of irritation as well as releasing the pressure of having to stay on top of diaper changes 24/7
As a bonus, the beeswax contained in the lotion will start healing broken skin before you even open the diaper.

3. Chafing
Chafing can happen when diapers are too loose or too tight. If you think that chafing might be the cause of your baby’s diaper rash, try tightening the straps or move up to the next size! The material of your diaper also plays a big role in chafing, some being more aggressive than others. It is not rare to have to try multiple brands or styles of diaper before finding the right one for your baby.
Another way to prevent chafing is to lubricate the skin with a moisturizing product. A cleansing lotion like La Petite Creme with Organic vegetable glycerin in it will add moisture to the skin and make the contact point between the diaper and the skin less prone to chafing.
4. New foods
As your baby starts to eat new foods their poop may increase in frequency, consistency and acidity which can cause diaper rash. This pH imbalance can often lead to painful rashes in a very short amount of time. Some minerals like limestone are naturally alkaline and – when combined in small amounts with a water solution, are amazing at balancing the pH in the diaper. La Petite Crème diapering lotion contains the purest available limestone to handle your baby’s next tomato or blueberry poo.
Also look for food allergies that may be causing a rash by introducing only one new food every week.
5. Skin sensitivities
Every baby has sensitive skin that reacts very quickly to unnatural environmental exposure. Clothing material, bed sheet detergent, soaps, shampoo, perfume, mommy’s make up, diaper material, diaper absorbing chemicals, baby wipe ingredients, toys, paint, and floor cleaning products are just a few of the possible ways for your baby's skin to be exposed to an irritant.
Food sensitivity can also result in an external skin rash.
At La Petite Creme, we have firsthand experience with skin sensitivity in our babies and that’s why we created our diapering lotion with only 6 ingredients (natural and organic) so that it is hypoallergenic and gentle on delicate baby’s skin. Our lotion replaces baby wipes, diaper ointment and diaper cream , eliminating ingredients that might be a source of sensitivity to your child.
Finding the cause of a rash may take months of trial and life adjustments that are often very demanding on parents. Your healthcare professional will be able to advise you of the best route to take for any particular skin sensitivities.
Diaper rash treatment
Even with the best diapering routine, diaper rash can happen for no logical reason (teething, for instance, is often accompanied with a diaper rash) so there's no need to make huge changes to your routine if you only experience an occasional rash.
Mostly, diaper rash will subside when the source of irritation is gone (ie: the diaper and its content). Whenever possible, allow your baby to be diaper-free during a diaper rash episode. If this idea scares you - and trust us, we feel the same way - simply lay a towel on the floor for them to play on.
While free and easy to achieve (at least for a newborn who does not move much), the above technique is not the most practical for every diaper change.
For natural and gentle healing, choose La Petite Creme diaper balm with organic beeswax to help the skin fight the rash and return to its smooth silky self.
Never hesitate to consult with your baby’s healthcare provider when a rash does not go away after a while or if your motherly instinct tells you to do so. You know your baby better than anyone else so you are the best judge of when to seek medical advice.
The takeaway
Every pediatrician will agree that prevention is key when it comes to diaper rash. A good diapering routine to avoid the 5 causes of diaper rash above would be to use baby wipes, pat the skin dry with a cotton pad after use and apply a diaper ointment at each diaper change to create a protective layer on the skin.
OR, you can use La Petite Creme all-in-one diapering lotion to clean, protect and heal the skin at every diaper change. One single product for 24/7 protection without having to add an extra step into your routine (now that’s something we know you will appreciate for those nighttime diaper changes).