Did you know that the average family with a baby will do four loads of laundry a week of just baby clothes? When you're preparing for your first child, you may get a lot of advice on what you need.Â
At times it might feel overwhelming. You'll need a newborn checklist as you prepare to welcome your first little one into the world.Â
It's easy to buy too much and waste money, so before you fill up your shopping cart, keep reading.Â

Newborn Diaper Bag Checklist
The average newborn will go through eight to ten diapers a day. It's important to have enough; however, you don't want to buy too many.Â
Remember, if you don't like a brand, you might want to switch it up, so don't overbuy.
 If you're using disposable diapers, start with one to two boxes and if you decide to use cloth diapers, you should have at least 20.Â

La Petite Creme Products
Choosing the best cleaning lotion for your newborn bottoms means choosing something that won't irritate their very sensitive skin. We strongly suggest avoiding wipes and looking for organic alternatives that will protect your baby’s skin.
La Petite Creme provides a diapering lotion and balms that are both Certified Organic and EWG Verified. Used with cotton pads or washcloths, the lotion will not only replace completely baby wipes but will also provide a gentle clean and a safe protection on your newborn sensitive bottom.
You can also subscribe and save money and time by not worrying about reordering.Â

Changing Pad
Make sure to have a washable changing pad in your diaper bag. This will ensure that your baby is always on a clean surface no matter where you change them.Â

If you allow your little one to use a pacifier, make sure to keep a couple on hand. Your little one may have a favorite, so don't buy too many until you know which one they prefer.Â
A change of clothes
Always having a change of clothes in your diaper bag will not only be necessary but will also give you peace of mind any time you are not at home.
Two or three bodysuits as well as two outfits will be enough.
A bottle
Your newborn will have to be fed frequently. As their stomach is small, newborns are quickly full but they are also quickly hungry again!
So make sure you always have your baby's bottle or a nursing cover if you are breastfeeding in your diaper bag.

Nursery Essentials
You will need a few things from your newborn baby checklist for the nursery. You'll need a crib, a crib mattress, a mattress protector and a few change of cute fitted sheets.
If you wish to invest on a long term crib, look for one that can convert into a toddler bed.Â
You could also look for a bassinet if you want to keep your little one close at first; however, this isn't necessary. If you get a playpen, you can get one with a bassinet add-on.Â
You will also need a changing table and a place to store clothes for the nursery.Â
A rocking chair is also a great addition to the nursery to comfortably cuddle with your little one.

Feeding Essentials
Even if you plan to breastfeed, you'll still want a few bottles and a breast pump for when you can't breastfeed. You'll also need burp cloths, nursing covers, bibs, bottle brush, bottle sterilizer, formula, and a bottle drying rack.
Newborns feed often so you may think about getting around 6 to 8 bottles. It is indeed better to always be ready when baby is hungry and not to have to wash bottles in the middle of the night!
You may also want to look for the best nipples as they can influence your baby's digestion.

Clothing Essentials
Your little one will need clothes, but they will also grow very fast. Considering that babies go around 2 to 3 outfits a day, plan to purchase around a week's worth of onesies.
Not overbuying newborn clothes will allow you to save money to size up when the time has come, and it will come fast.

Start Shopping for Your Newborn Checklist
Your newborn checklist will fill up fast. There are many things your little one will need; however, with your first child, you're still learning and you will be able to adjust your needs according to what works best for you and your family. Make sure to not overstock and really focus on what is essential so that you aren't spending unnecessary money.Â
Are you ready to start shopping? Put the best baby starter bundles on your newborn baby checklist, and shop with us.Â