Diapering 101
Become an expert at changing diapers in no time with these recommended products and best diapering practices. Help your baby stay happy and healthy!
A Different Way to Change a Baby’s Diaper
Did you know that there is a different way to change your baby’s diapers? As parents, we’ve all done the same: open the diaper, lift up the legs and butt, wipe, replace and close, right? But there is another way! A better and healthier way to change a diaper! We tell you everything in this blog!
How to Use La Petite Creme with Cloth Wipes?
You'd like to use washcloth for your baby's diapering routine but are not sure on how to use them? In our blog, we’re giving you tricks on how to use our organic diapering lotion with cloth wipes for your baby's diaper change.
Why Buying from a Small Business Makes a Difference
When we need to buy something, we have 2 options: either purchase from a large enterprise or from a small business. In today’s blog, we’d like to point out how it highly matters that you buy from a small business and why it is better for you too!
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