La Petite Blog

How to Store Best La Petite Lotion and Balm

How to Store Best La Petite Lotion and Balm

Organic diapering products are the safest for your baby's sensitive skin. But because they don't have any chemical preservative, they need to be under the perfect storage conditions to preserve all their benefits. Here, we tell you how to store best La Petite Creme products for their utmost preservation!

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Baby Shower Ideas for a Natural Mommy-to-be

Baby Shower Ideas for a Natural Mommy-to-be

What would a natural mommy-to-be love to have at her baby shower? It's not always easy to decide which natural and organic gifts would be best for future moms so we made a small guide for you!

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What Do You REALLY Need for Diapering?

What Do You REALLY Need for Diapering?

Are you expecting and wondering what to get for diapers change? We are here to help with this simple and minimalist list of what you really need to change your baby's diapers and what you don't!

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Why Drop Baby Wipes

Why Drop Baby Wipes

We’ve all been there - using convenient products that save us time, money, and energy. But are baby wipes worth it? Do they do more harm than good? And are there alternative ways to clean our baby’s bottoms that don’t do any damage? Here are four reasons to drop baby wipes…

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